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Événements à venir

Atelier Kiffe Ton Cycle : les énergies du cycle en mouvement
Atelier Kiffe Ton Cycle : les énergies du cycle en mouvement
Je vous invite à plonger au cœur de votre cycle menstruel lors d'un atelier unique et inspirant dans lequel nous explorerons de façon ludique et par le mouvement, les différentes phases et énergies du cycle. Transformer votre relation à votre cycle menstruel et vivez une vie plus épanouie !
May 26, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Le Mas d'Aurumy, 77 Av. Alexandre Philip, 13710 Fuveau, France

I have for a long time experienced my path as a woman, as a fight. 

A path strewn with taboos, pains and violence.


When I was 14, I became a “woman”, at least inside my body because outside I was not supposed to show it or talk about it, like a ban on growing up.

On one hand, my body was a source of pain, inflamed by endometriosis.

On the other hand, I tried to verbalize the incomprehension regarding the decisions that were made for me, seeking my own voice, but realizing how difficult it was to say no and to set my limits.


The transition to adulthood did not reconcile me with my femininity. Family and societal injunctions led me to start and then lock myself into a toxic and psychologically and sexually abusive relationship. And this is how other ailments came to reinforce the denial and rejection of my body: STDs, weight gain, migraines...


Consumed by worthlessness, shame and guilt, I first believed that I was the one responsible for the problem with the relationship. I then began a therapeutic work that ended up making me aware of the woman in me that I deeply needed to meet.


Gradually, I emancipated myself, I was able to express my truth, and I finally accepted to be a woman and to be THE woman I wanted to be: free, adventurous and alive!


On this healing journey, I was accompanied by an “old friend”… my love for scents. 

I have always experienced my connection to smell as magic: sometimes allowing me to dive back into my memories, sometimes helping me to experience my emotions gently, in any case, an invitation to travel and creativity.

It is therefore this fellow traveler who allowed me to move forward and flourish.

Today, it is through a path of olfactory and introspective exploration, that I guide women to discover themselves and allow themselves to embrace their freedom to incarnate.

Through the program Re-SENTIR, I guide women who:

  • Have difficulty accepting their femininity in all its facets

  • Feel the need to connect to their inner nature and express their truth

  • Suffer from women's ailments (cycles, illnesses, sex life, etc.)

  • Want to explore themselves through a unique, gentle and poetic approach

Accompagnement Olfactif


"Merci à Julie pour son coaching pétillant et impactant.Ses séances ont agi sur moi comme de véritables déclics. Julie a une intuition fine, elle touche à chaque fois en plein mille! Son accompagnement m'a reboosté et remis le coeur en joie. Je me suis réconciliée avec des parties de moi, j'ai compris quels étaient mes véritables désirs et besoins. Tout retrouve une plus juste place dans ma vie. Un grand merci."




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